Thursday, May 26, 2011

Asking for Quiet Food

 I have learned the power of food to keep a baby quiet and occupied.

 I first discovered this when I had a screaming baby in my shopping cart and was getting those looks by other shoppers (you know the kind). I knew he was hungry, but I had to finish this last errand before I could feed him.  Then I had the brilliant idea, Feed Him! I grabbed the baby snacks out of the cart, opened them, and raced them to his mouth.

He was quiet; he was happy. I was happy. They were half gone by the time I paid for them.

Now, at home I can enjoy some quiet time when he is bored of his toys (or I want some extra time to blog).

Geoff and I decided to work on sign language with our baby to ease communication. We read that it can help cut down on tantrums when they get older because they can express what they want with signs even though they can't talk yet. But to our surprise he hasn't used very many signs but has started to use the sounds that go with the signs.  I have used the sign "O" and the sound "O, O, O" when I give him "cherrieo" like finger food. Now when his tray is empty, I hear a little voice say, "Oh, Oh, Oh" telling me he wants more. Geoff are I blown away and didn't expect him to pick up on the sound so soon.

I know this has been posted before other places, but here Gabe is saying "kitty". Geoff and I watch this over and over and just laugh with amazement.


Ashley said...

Glad to see that you are back on your blog! I am wishing I had been better at teaching Max sign language too... he's starting in on the tantrums, and I'm not always sure why.

Artsy Aut said...

Ellen! I didnt know you had this blog! Im totally following you :) Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. And thanks for checking up on me after the Tsunami! Scary! But all is good on this island. Looks like you guys are doing great and your baby is adorable!